How To Get Rid Of Menopause Insomnia — Without Sleeping Drugs, Melatonin, Lifestyle Changes Or HRT…

By Emily Johnson| Published February 18th, 2024

Did you know? Over 31 million women in the US today struggle with hormonal insomnia and broken sleep.

As women age into their 40s and 50s, changes in their hormones can really wreak havoc on their sleep.

It’s a horrible feeling…

Waking up at 2 to 3am every night like clockwork, feeling anxious for no reason, and then lying awake for hours struggling to fall back to sleep.

Over time, this lack of sleep starts to affect other areas of life too.

Many women who suffer from menopause-related insomnia will find that they’re constantly exhausted, and can barely function during the day.

They may also notice that the lack of sleep negatively affects their mood and libido too.

Menopause insomnia can be a real nightmare… and studies show that it can last for up to 10 years!

Today, more and more research from leading medical institutions like Harvard, Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins are suggesting that high levels of cortisol is the real root cause behind menopause insomnia and night time wakings.[2,3]

MenoCalm is a 100% natural drug-free and hormone-free lotion specially formulated to lower cortisol levels, and reverse menopause insomnia and night time wakings.

What makes this lotion so effective is its key ingredient “deep sea” magnesium.

Deep sea magnesium is not your regular store-bought magnesium.

It is a rare and unique form of magnesium that can only be found more than 1,500 meters below sea level, and is one of the purest, most absorbable forms of magnesium available to us.

Thousands Of Menopausal Women Are Finally Sleeping Through The Night With MenoCalm!

Here’s what they have to say…

Where Can I Buy MenoCalm?

You will not find MenoCalm in major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, or Target.

That’s because these lotions are handmade in small batches by a family-owned business and shipped directly to you to maintain the highest quality and keep prices as low as possible.

You can purchase MenoCalm directly from them by clicking on the button below.

Get Better Sleep Today »

Update: Word is starting to spread about the benefits of deep sea magnesium, and MenoCalm has already sold out 4 times!

Due to the difficulty in sourcing pure deep sea magnesium, once a batch of lotions is sold out, it can take up to 5-6 weeks for a new batch to be made.

I highly recommend clicking the button above and securing your order as soon as possible if there are still any jars in stock!

The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. If you have any concerns please consult your doctor or healthcare professional at all times. 8 Sheep Organics is in no way affiliated or associated with Facebook.

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High Cortisol Levels: The Root Cause Of Poor Sleep And Night Time Wakings


This drug-free and hormone-free solution has helped thousands of women sleep through the night, even after years of struggling with menopause insomnia and broken sleep.

Cortisol is widely known as our body’s “stress hormone”.

It is responsible for regulating our metabolism, energy levels, stress response, and most importantly, our sleep-wake cycle.

Normally, cortisol levels increase in the morning (to wake us up and keep us alert during the day), and decrease in the evening, signaling to our body that it’s time for bed.

However, studies have shown that for women going through menopause, cortisol levels actually increase in the evening instead, reaching its highest point at around 2am to 3am at night.[4,7]

This high level of cortisol or “stress hormone” at 2am to 3am at night is what causes millions of women to wake up wide awake in the middle of the night, feeling anxious for no reason and struggling to fall back to sleep.

Unfortunately, most solutions for insomnia or menopause do not help to reduce high cortisol levels.

❌  Sleeping drugs like Ambien, Benadryl, and Trazodone are short term solutions that only hide the symptoms, but do not fix the root cause of hormonal insomnia – which is high levels of cortisol in the evening. These drugs also tend to become less effective when used for long periods of time, and many will find that over time, they have to take larger and larger doses to sleep.

❌  Natural remedies like melatonin, valerian root, edibles, or CBD oil may help us fall asleep more quickly. However, they do not help us stay asleep or prevent night time wakings.

❌  Finally, most treatments for menopause symptoms like HRT or “hormone balancing” supplements focus on increasing estrogen and progesterone levels. But they do nothing to lower high cortisol levels. This is one of the main reasons why so many women continue to struggle with insomnia and night time wakings even after starting HRT.

The good news is, there is now a quick and effective way for menopausal women to naturally lower their cortisol levels and get a full 8-9 hours of uninterrupted, restful sleep!

It’s called MenoCalm.

But there’s hope.

A recent study from the Journal of North American Menopause Society may have found a solution to reverse menopause insomnia and night time wakings!

In this study, scientists analyzed urine samples from a group of women who suffered from severe menopause symptoms, and were shocked to discover that almost every single one of these women had one thing in common: unusually high levels of a hormone called “cortisol”.

This same study also found that when cortisol levels were reduced, these women saw a significant improvement in their menopause symptoms.[1]

What Is MenoCalm?

When applied as an oil or lotion, deep sea magnesium quickly gets absorbed through the skin to naturally lower our body’s cortisol levels, and promote deeper, more restful sleep.[8]

Simply apply 1-2 teaspoons of MenoCalm onto your feet before bed, and within 2 weeks or less, you will start to notice:

✅ Deeper, more restful sleep

✅ No more waking up at 2 to 3am in the middle of the night

✅ Lower levels of anxiety or stress

✅ Feeling well-rested and refreshed in the morning

✅ Higher energy levels during the day

Get Better Sleep Today »

“The first night I tried MenoCalm, I slept for 9 hours straight! It has been years since I slept this well! It was amazing. I applied the lotion just before bed, and fell asleep within 20 minutes of lying down. I never lay in bed awake for hours anymore. Now even if I do wake up at 3am, I can easily drift back to sleep.” - Debbie M

“This hasn't fixed my sleep issues 100%, but it has helped quite a bit. Before, I would wake up at 3-4am and stay awake for the rest of the night. Now I still wake up once a night, but I can easily fall back asleep. So it's definitely not perfect, but it's much better, and I feel like my quality of life has really improved too.” - Lonna

“I’ve been using MenoCalm for 2 weeks now and I am finally able to get past the 3 to 4am wake ups. Works like a miracle!” - Barbara C

“I’ve been struggling with low energy levels, mood swings,anger, and sugar cravings all due to lack of sleep. At the recommendation of a friend, I got a jar of MenoCalm to try. Yesterday, I applied the lotion on my feet before bed as prescribed and slept for 10 hours straight! For the first time in years, I feel like I got my old self back again. Thank you 8 Sheep!” - Pat L

“I am 52 and have been struggling with perimenopause symptoms for a few years. But this year, my insomnia got really bad. I’ve been waking up at 4:30am most nights and cannot get back to sleep. I finally gave in and tried this lotion by 8 Sheep. My sleep this past week has been so nice! I wake up feeling rested and no anxiety!” - Margaret B

Get Deeper, More Restful Sleep — Or MenoCalm Is FREE!

Try MenoCalm completely risk-free for a full 3 months!

If after 3 months, you feel that MenoCalm has not made a difference in your sleep, or if you are not 100% happy with your purchase for any reason at all, simply send us an email at with your order number, and we will get you a full refund within 24 hours (even if you have already used up the lotion!)

No need to ship your jar back. No forms to fill. No questions asked. Just a hassle-free refund.

In other words, you only pay if MenoCalm gives you a good night’s sleep as promised!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use MenoCalm?

Simply apply 1-2 teaspoons of MenoCalm lotion onto your feet just before you go to bed. Within 2 weeks or less, you will notice yourself falling asleep more quickly, and getting deeper, more restful sleep. You’ll start to wake up feeling well-rested and refreshed. No more waking up at 2am to 4am in the middle of the night!

How does this lotion work?

New research has shown that high cortisol levels may be the root cause of many menopause symptoms that affect millions of women today – including menopause insomnia, night time wakings, anxiety, and mood swings.

Unlike other menopause solutions, which focus only on estrogen and progesterone levels, MenoCalm specifically works to lower high cortisol levels, which in turn helps you get deeper, more restful sleep, and elevates your mood.

When can I start to see results?

Everyone is unique, so individual results may vary. However, most women will start to see noticeable results within 2 weeks of using the MenoCalm.

What are the ingredients in this lotion?

The lotion contains just 6 natural ingredients: Organic Mango Butter, Organic Coconut Oil, Deep Sea Magnesium Chloride Brine, Organic Beeswax, Organic Essential Oils, Distilled Water

Where is MenoCalm made?

MenoCalm is handmade in small batches out of Indiana, USA.

How long will shipping take?

Your order will arrive at your doorstep within 5-7 business days. Please note that we ship only within the US.

Can I use MenoCalm if I am already on HRT?

Yes, you can use MenoCalm even if you’re already on HRT. The lotion is made only with 100% natural ingredients, and does not contain estrogen, progesterone, or any other hormones.

Can I use MenoCalm everyday?

Yes, MenoCalm can be used everyday. It is 100% natural, hormone-free, and drug-free, and continues to remain effective over time with no side effects.

How long does a jar last?

An 8oz jar of MenoCalm will last for 1 month if used daily.

What is the 3-Month Risk Free Guarantee?

Every jar of MenoCalm comes with a 3-Month Risk Free Guarantee. This means you can try the lotion completely risk free for a full 3 months. If at the end of 3 months, you feel the lotion has not helped with your sleep, anxiety, or mood, or if you are not thrilled with your purchase for any reason at all, simply send us an email at with your order number and we will get you a full refund within 24 hours.

No need to return the lotion, and no forms to fill.

In other words, you only pay if you’re 100% happy with MenoCalm!

Try MenoCalm Risk Free Today »