If You're a Parent Struggling With A “Difficult” Child, Continue Reading...

The Missing Mineral

BUT, before you rush out to a nearby supermarket or online store to get any regular magnesium supplement, here’s what you need to know… 

Not All Magnesium is Created Equal!

In fact, most magnesium supplements you find in stores will use cheap, synthetic forms of magnesium like magnesium oxide, which only has an absorption rate of around 4%!²

This means that up to 96% of magnesium from these store-bought supplements does not even get absorbed or used by our body!

It’s no wonder why so many parents do not notice any difference in their kids’ sleep, mood, or behavior, even after taking these store-bought magnesium supplements for months…


For your kids to experience the full benefits from magnesium, you need the most natural and bioavailable form of magnesium you can get.

You need Junior’s Lotion

It is the #1 organic magnesium lotion specially formulated for babies and kids to reverse magnesium deficiency.

It contains a unique and rare form of magnesium called “deep sea magnesium”, that can only be found in pristine, mineral-rich waters more than 1,500 meters below sea level.

Deep sea magnesium one of the purest, most absorbable forms of magnesium available.

In fact, it is so pure it can actually be absorbed directly through the skin when applied as an oil or lotion!

However, this type of magnesium is expensive and hard to source in large amounts (which is why you won’t see deep sea magnesium being used in regular store-bought magnesium supplements).

But it is worth every penny.

You WILL notice the difference with the Junior’s Lotion vs. any regular store-bought magnesium supplement.

Parents all across America are raving about the Junior’s Lotion!  Within weeks of using the lotion, many parents are noticing these changes in their kids…

Over 168,000 

Happy Parents are 

Raving About

The Junior’s Lotion!

See what the hype is all about:

“Our daughter has struggled with sleep since the day she was born. She’s now 3 years old, and I finally learnt about how magnesium could help. Since I started using this lotion 2 weeks ago, she has been sleeping wonderfully. She doesn’t wake up to every little noise, and actually seems well rested and happy when she wakes up in the morning!”
- Katy H.

verified customer

“We have been buying this for our kids for a few months now. They sleep great, and many people comment on how calm and well behaved our children are. I highly recommend this.”
- Laura S.

verified customer

"My 9 year old was recently diagnosed with adhd. He has behavior issues and hyperactivity. One of my best friends suggested I try this lotion. I read the reviews and decided to give it a try. I’ve noticed a HUGE difference with his mood and behavior. He is calmer, much more relaxed, and has way less emotional fits and tantrums."
- Sarah S.

verified customer

“I bought this lotion for my 6 y/o son who struggles with anxiety and emotional melt-downs. We are on day 3, and I’ve noticed he is much better at controlling his emotions and sleeps better at night. Would recommend this to parents with children who have big emotions.
- Nicole G.

verified customer

“My son is typically restless, hyperactive, and has difficulty focusing at home and school. I did a lot of research and saw that many of his symptoms could be because of nutritional deficiencies like magnesium. We have used the Junior’s Lotion for about two months now, and we’ve seen a big improvement in his ability to calm down and focus.”
- Denise G.

verified customer

Backed By a 100-Day Money Back Guarantee

Try the Junior’s Lotion completely risk-free for 100 days!

If after 100 days, you feel that the Junior’s Lotion hasn’t made a difference in your child’s sleep, mood, or focus; or if you are not happy with your purchase for any reason at all, simply send me an email at contact@8sheep.com with your order number and I will get you a full refund within 24 hours.

No need to return your jar. No forms to fill. No questions asked. Just a prompt, hassle-free refund.

In other words, you only pay if you are 100% happy with the Junior’s Lotion!

Backed By a 100-Day Money Back Guarantee

Try the Junior’s Lotion completely risk-free for 100 days!

If after 100 days, you feel that the Junior’s Lotion hasn’t made a difference in your child’s sleep, mood, or focus; or if you are not happy with your purchase for any reason at all, simply send me an email at contact@8sheep.com with your order number and I will get you a full refund within 24 hours.

No need to return your jar. No forms to fill. No questions asked. Just a prompt, hassle-free refund.

In other words, you only pay if you are 100% happy with the Junior’s Lotion!

Founder of 8 Sheep

Founder of 8 Sheep

Word is starting to get out about the benefits of deep sea magnesium, and the Junior’s Bedtime Lotion is quickly selling out.

Due to the difficulty in sourcing deep sea magnesium, once a batch of lotions are sold out, it can take up to 4-6 weeks for a new batch to be made.

I highly recommend clicking the link below to secure your order as soon as possible if there are still any jars in stock!

Limited Time Offer Due to Nationwide
Shortage of Deep Sea Magnesium


100-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

One Time Purchase. 

All transactions secured and encrypted.


5) https://europepmc.org/article/med/9368236 


We proudly create organic products, specially made to help pregnant mamas get through their nine months as comfortably as possible! Every item is handcrafted with all natural ingredients in small batches!

© 8 Sheep Organics 2022

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Discover the “Deep Sea” Mineral That Has Changed The Lives of Over 168,000 Parents

Did you know? More than 26 million children in America today suffer from a hidden mineral deficiency which causes poor sleep, anxiety, mood swings, hyperactivity, and attention problems. Thankfully, there’s now a solution.

“My son is now calm, relaxed, and more focused during school. His overall mood is also so much more improved. Even his teacher noticed the difference!”
 Sarah K.

If your kid is anxious, does not sleep well, has frequent mood swings, or trouble focusing at school...

They may be suffering from a hidden mineral deficiency that affects nearly 1 in 3 children in America. 

Now here's the shocking thing about this deficiency... 

Even if you’re feeding your kids a well-balanced diet, they may still be deficient in this essential mineral!

What most people don’t know, is that due to over-farming and the use of synthetic fertilizers over the past 80-90 years, we have almost completely stripped our soils of an essential mineral.

And as a result, the foods we eat today only contain about 10-20% of this mineral as compared to the foods that were available back in 1914!

And studies show that when our kids do not get enough of this
essential mineral, it can lead to symptoms such as:

You may have guessed that this essential mineral we’re talking about is Magnesium.

Researchers argue that magnesium may be the single most important mineral we need to keep our body healthy and functioning smoothly.

Unfortunately, modern day diets (which lack dark leafy vegetables, seeds, and beans) and the low levels of magnesium in today’s foods have made it difficult for our kids to get enough magnesium on a daily basis.

Now, the easiest way to reverse the negative effects of magnesium deficiency, is to supplement with a high quality, bioavailable form of magnesium.

If your kid is anxious, does not sleep well, has frequent mood swings, or trouble focusing at school…

They may be suffering from a hidden mineral deficiency that affects nearly 1 in 3 children in America.

And here's the shocking thing about this deficiency…

Even if you’re feeding your kids a well-balanced diet, they may still be deficient in this mineral!

What most people don’t know, is that due to over-farming and the use of synthetic fertilizers over the past 80-90 years, we have almost completely stripped our soils of an essential mineral.

And as a result, the foods we eat today only contain about 10-20% of this mineral as compared to the foods that were available back in 1914!

And studies show that when our kids do not get enough of this essential mineral, it can lead to symptoms such as:

In fact, it is so pure it can actually be absorbed directly through the skin when applied as an oil or lotion!

However, this type of magnesium is expensive and hard to source in large amounts (which is why you won’t see deep sea magnesium being used in regular store-bought magnesium supplements).

And it is worth every penny.

You WILL notice the difference with the Junior’s Lotion vs. any regular store-bought magnesium supplement.

It is the #1 organic magnesium lotion specially formulated for babies and kids to reverse magnesium deficiency.

It contains a unique and rare form of magnesium called “deep sea magnesium”, that can only be found in pristine, mineral-rich waters more than 1,500 meters below sea level.

Junior’s Lotion

Uses pure deep sea magnesium that our bodies can absorb

Easy to apply

All natural with no hidden additives

Made only with clean, organic ingredients

Comes with a 100-Day Money Back Guarantee

Most Magnesium Supplements

Made with synthetic magnesium that doesn’t absorb well

Tough to swallow

Capsules, pills, or powders with fillers and harmful additives

Contains chemicals and fillers

Waste of money if it doesn’t work

Poor sleep

Anxiety and stress

Aggression and irritability

Trouble focusing or concentrating

Mood swings and emotional outbursts


Regulating sleep 

Improving learning and memory

Energy production

Maintaining a healthy immune system

Supporting strong muscles, teeth & bones

Over 168,000 Happy Parents are Raving About The Junior’s Lotion!

Deep sea magnesium is one of the purest, most absorbable forms of magnesium available. 

It is required for over 300 biological processes in our body, including:

Calmer, relaxed, and more well-behaved at school and at home.
Deeper, more restful sleep.
Kids are waking up well rested and happy.
Less anxiety, and fewer emotional outbursts or tantrums.
More focused at school, and not as easily distracted.